Personal Brand Copilot

Your personal brand is the most underutilized asset that you own today.If you’ve been thinking about activating your personal brand on LinkedIn to:- become a thought leader
- attract leads for your business
- build an audience that lasts a lifetime
Then finding a Personal Brand Copilot is what you need.It’s the best way to supercharge your LinkedIn profile in 2024.

Why work with me?

There are plenty of people out there to help you ghostwrite content for you on LinkedIn. It’s important to find someone that has domain expertise on the topic you want to write about for your audience.With 17 years of B2B SaaS experience (specifically in Go-To-Market roles), I’ve personally seen the power that hands-on revenue leadership can have and how it creates big outcomes for SaaS startups.Here’s what I was able to do over those 17+ years:At Salesforce: Part of the founding team in the creation of the outbound sales motion (we know today as Predictable Revenue)At Zendesk: Built the first Sales Development team that took us from $100M to the $1.7B IPO valuation (also got Elon Musk on a call from a cold email)At Duo Security: Reported to the VP of Sales as our Pipeline Strategy leader which really meant: ‘Find all the pipeline’ and build programs to make up the gap. Built this through the Cisco Systems acquisition for the $2.3B price tag.Now I’m spending 100% of my time building my personal brand and that of other CEOs of B2B SaaS companies looking to grow their audience and brand on LinkedIn.LinkedIn is the most powerful platform to build your personal and professional brand.That’s why I started the Personal Brand Copilot service.

Personal Brand Copilot

I will design, build and activate your personal brand (on LinkedIn). This will lead to more impressions, subscribers and leads for your business.You’ll walk away with the confidence in who you are, what you stand for and why everyone in your industry looks to you as the thought leader.Here’s how it works
We’ll kickoff by digging into your story, topics, frameworks, ideas and opinions you’d like to share (and not share). We will also design a custom brand specifically for you. It can be complementary to your business brand or uniquely you.
See my custom brand on LinkedIn here.Build
We’ll build your LinkedIn profile from the ground up, content strategy, content templates and define your posting cadence along with an engagement plan (to have others from the industry engage with you).
I will create a custom content creation plan that will maximize impressions and reach for your brand. Here’s exactly what you’ll get:
Three types of content: Actionable (Here’s how);Analytical (Here are the #s); Aspirational (Yes, you can)Define the mix of content formats: Infographics, Carousels, Text + ImageBuild your growth hacking plan (content creators to engage with)Review analytics weekly (and adjust based on what’s working and what’s not)Joint ideation: 2x/month we’ll meet to review analytics and determine new topics. We can also do this async in your messaging tool of choice (ex: slack).I look forward to helping you grow your LinkedIn brand into a lead generation engine in 2024.